If you have found this page, welcome. Maybe you did a net search for something weird - like dreams, death experiences, religion or maybe life stories. Maybe someone sent you the link or maybe the writer thought you could benefit from this site.
Before clicking on links and rambling through these pages, please read the following points.

Some of what you will read you may believe or not. It is not the intent of these pages to change anyone's mind about anything. You can believe whatever you want.
If you choose to "click away" from these pages, that is your decision and no one will be hurt. Some may feel a connection to what they will read and feel compelled to email me (the writer) for lengthy discussion. That is also not the purpose of these pages.
It is also not the intent of these pages to start any arguments about the content. Again, believe what you want. If you as a reader feel compelled to email an argument or to try to "convince" me (the writer) that you're OPINION is right and mine is wrong, then you yourself are wasting your own time. It's not that the writer isn't open minded, it's these pages deal with actual experiences. No one can argue about what another person sees, feels, etc... Your interpretation is just that, yours.
These pages do deal with death, tragedy, illness, dreams, premonitions, religion, world events, love, the universe and even politics to some extent. Some content may be graphic or go against your own beliefs.
So with that, you have the choice of what you want to do.
If you feel you may be offended or not comfortable by any of the mentioned topics, please click your "back" button now and go no further.
If you feel you are interested, have an open mind and don't believe the topics will offend you, click here to go to the Introduction page.
Enjoy your visit.